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康考迪亚大学欧文分校运动训练专业的学生将通过一系列循序渐进的教学课程取得进步,使您具备必要的知识和精神运动技能,以获得运动训练科学硕士学位. Courses are delivered primarily at our Irvine campus, while certain courses blend online delivery in an interactive and engaging format.

3+2 MSAT课程允许康考迪亚大学欧文分校的大一新生或转学生在本科时申报运动训练专业. The prerequisite coursework for MSAT acceptance is integrated in the Pre-Athletic Training and Allied Healthcare major’s core curriculum.

4+2 MSAT课程允许在相关专业完成理学学士学位的学生申请我们的两年加速课程.

  • 核心课程
  • 64个单位
  • MSAT 450/550: Foundations of Athletic Training
  • 3

Emphasis on the global approach to the sports medicine community, the role the certified athletic trainer plays in the allied health care community, and contemporary topics with attention to the basis of sports medicine, athletic training and the physiology of activity.

  • MSAT 451/551: Risk Management, Taping, & 伤害预防
  • 3

An introduction to basic taping, 准备, 运动训练和运动医学中常用的包扎和铸造技术. 内容基于第四版国家运动教练协会教育能力/风险管理和伤害预防领域.

  • MSAT 650: Research Methods in Athletic Training
  • 3


  • MSAT 452/552: Injury Nomenclature
  • 3

与预防和治疗运动损伤有关的原则和技术的理论和实践将在本课程中涵盖,同时将预防性运动胶带和绑带技术纳入实验室组成部分. A lab fee may be required.

  • MSAT 448/548: Evaluation I: Lower Extremities and Spine
  • 3

A theoretical and practical approach to injury assessment for the lower body, this course will use the systematic evaluation format, as governed by the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), is utilized with an emphasis placed on the evaluation of the lumbar spine, 臀部, 大腿, 膝盖, 小腿, 脚踝, 脚, 步态分析. Lab time is included in the schedule.

  • MSAT 449/549: Evaluation II: Upper Extremities and Spine
  • 3

A theoretical and practical approach to injury assessment for the upper body, this course will use the systematic evaluation format, as governed by the NATA, is utilized with an emphasis placed on the evaluation of the head/face, cervical/thoracic spine, 肩膀, 肘, 前臂, 手腕, 手, and abdominal viscera. Lab time is included in the schedule.

  • MSAT 468/568: Therapeutic Modalities
  • 3

本课程将讨论和探讨运动和康复治疗的理论和实践方法. Lab time is included in the schedule. This course introduces the student to the various thermal, 运动保健和物理治疗中使用的机械和电子制剂/模式,以促进愈合和康复. 本课程包括以讲授和实验为基础的电刺激使用指导, 低温/温热疗法, 水疗, 超声波, 牵引, 保健按摩, 生物反馈, and compression therapy.

  • MSAT 458/558: Therapeutic Exercise
  • 3

本课程是为受伤运动员或从事体育活动的人提供理论和实践的治疗性运动和康复技术. Lab time is included in the schedule.

本课程向学生介绍治疗性运动的临床应用,以及运动医学和物理治疗专业背景下运动损伤的康复过程. A lecture and lab that focuses on the use range of motion, 强度, muscular endurance and muscular speed exercises, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, and joint mobilization to promote health and wellness following injury.

  • MSAA/MSAT 583: General Medicine/Pharmacology
  • 4

This course will incorporate the knowledge, 技能, 以及初级认证的运动教练或类似的健康专业人员必须具备的价值观, 治疗, 并参考, 在适当的时候, general medical conditions and disabilities. 本课程还将探讨运动员和其他参与体育活动的人的药理学应用技能和知识.  旨在向运动训练学生介绍影响运动和运动人群的各种一般医疗条件. The focus of the course is based on the prevention, 识别, 临床诊断, 治疗ment interventions, 适当的医疗转诊病理医疗条件,其中包括在运动医学领域.

  • MSCE 589: Nutrition for Sport
  • 4

本课程涵盖了人类营养的基本要素,以提高和维持运动和锻炼的最佳表现. The effects of eating disorders (in both male and female athletes), 体重管理, and sport nutrition resources are also discussed.

  • MSAT 605: Administrative and Management Strategies in Athletic Training
  • 3

An introduction to the administrative and management strategies incorporated in professional, 校际, secondary school and clinical athletic training professional settings. Topics include policies and procedures, legalities in sports medicine, 卫生保健法规, ethical codes of conduct and standards of reasonable care, and compliance with OSHA and HIPAA in allied health care.

  • MSAT 607: Advanced Injury Management
  • 3

Advanced 准备 for triaging, 治疗, 管理和康复在运动和身体活动中发生的慢性和急性运动损伤. The course focuses on specific etiologies, 唱, 症状, 直接护理, 骨科解剖损伤和疾病过程的保护管理和手术意义. 课程内容是基于第四版国家运动教练协会在风险管理和伤害预防分类领域的教育能力.

  • MSCE 586: Advanced Strength, Speed and Conditioning
  • 4

This course provides an overview of 强度 and conditioning. Emphasis is placed on the exercise sciences (including anatomy, 运动生理学, and biomechanics) and nutrition, 运动技术, 程序设计, organization and administration, and testing and evaluation. 本课程旨在为学生准备国家认可的认证力量和调节专家(CSCS)认证考试.

  • MSN/MSAT 533: Advanced Pathophysiology
  • 3

本课程使学生了解与健康维护和疾病管理相关的生理和病理生理概念,以提高临床推理能力. 学生将学习整合病理生理过程,以支持与预防护理相关的护理决策,以及通过急性和慢性疾病产生的改变. 目前的研究, 医疗保健问题, 个案研究和应用到专业领域,以加强对病理生理学在护理中的理解和整合.

  • MSAT 606: Medical Ethics and Professional Practice
  • 3

本课程向学生介绍认证运动教练和其他专职医疗保健专业人员的专业实践的基本行为. 本课程向学生介绍基于证据的专业研究模式, 医学伦理学, legal considerations, and cultural competence.

  • MSAT 401/501: Athletic Training Clinical I
  • 3

Injury prevention and health promotion, foundational behaviors of professional practice. 与开始的运动训练教育课程相关的实际应用和临床领域经验. 200 clinical hours of field experience are integrated into this level of clinical coursework.

  • MSAT 402/502: Athletic Training Clinical II
  • 3

Clinical examination and orthopedic diagnosis, acute care of injury and illness. 与中级运动训练教育课程相关的实际应用和临床领域经验. 200 clinical hours of field experience are integrated into this level of clinical coursework. 与开始的运动训练教育课程相关的实际应用和临床领域经验. 200 clinical hours of field experience are integrated into this level of clinical coursework.

  • MSAT 603: Athletic Training Clinical III
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Therapeutic Intervention. 与中级运动训练教育课程相关的实际应用和临床领域经验. 200 clinical hours of field experience are integrated into this level of clinical coursework.

  • MSAT 604: Athletic Training Clinical IV
  • 3

Healthcare administration, professional development and responsibility, psychosocial strategies 并参考ral. 与高级运动训练教育课程相关的实际应用和临床领域经验. Capstone evaluation of clinical education proficiencies. 200 clinical hours of field experience are integrated into this level of clinical.

  • MSAT 695: Athletic Training Capstone
  • 4

Capstone course which culminates the curriculum as a whole into a research project, case study and professional presentation.

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